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College Bound



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    10 Practice Tests for the SAT
    Penguin Random House LLC
    Practice makes perfect, and the best way to practice your SAT test-taking skills is with simulated exams. 9 Practice Tests for the SAT provides nine full-length...
    101 Ways to Conquer Teen Anxiety
    Simon & Schuster
    Best 389 Colleges
    Penguin Random House LLC
    Best Value Colleges
    Penguin Random House LLC
    College is a major financial investment, and one that too many students enter into blindly. The Princeton Review erases that uncertainty with this guide to colleges...
    College Admission 101
    Penguin Random House LLC
    College Admission is the ultimate user's manual and go-to guide for any student or family approaching the college application process. You'll find clear, comprehensive, and expert answers to all your questions along the way to an acceptance letter: • The …
    College Essays That Made a Difference
    Penguin Random House LLC
    No one knows colleges better than The Princeton Review! Not sure how to tackle the scariest part of your college application—the personal essays?...
    College Rules!
    Penguin Random House LLC
    College can be the most exciting time in your life, but it also throws you into the deep end, with new academic and social responsibi...
    College Wellness Guide
    Penguin Random House LLC
    Complete Homework Planner
    Penguin Random House LLC
    Conquering the College Admissions Essay in 10 Steps
    Penguin Random House LLC
    Writing a memorable personal statement can seem like an overwhelming project for a young college applicant, but college essay coach...
    Everything College Checklist Book
    Simon & Schuster
    The path to higher education is filled with college visits, paperwork, letters of recommendation, essays, and application fees—and th...
    Everything STEM Handbook
    Simon & Schuster
    Getting into Medical School
    Simon & Schuster
    Getting into medical school is difficult, even for students with excellent college undergraduate records. Today, only about one-third...
    Getting the Best Out of College
    Penguin Random House LLC
    An insider’s guide that shows ambitious students how to optimize their college career, completely revised and updated for today’s academic landscape. I WISH I’D KNOWN THAT IN COLLEGE. Your time as an undergrad has the potential to be incredibly fun, …
    The K&W Guide to Colleges for Students with Learning Differences
    Penguin Random House LLC
    Hundreds of thousands of students with ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, or other learning differences head to college every year. This comprehensive guide makes it easy for those students and their families and guidance counselors...
    Paying for College Without Going Broke
    Penguin Random House LLC
    Paying for College is the ONLY annual college financial aid guide with line-by-line instructions for completing the FAFSA and CSS Profile aid forms!
    Princeton Review Digital SAT Premium Prep
    Penguin Random House LLC
    SAT Vocabulary Flashcards
    Simon & Schuster
    Ultimate Guide to HBCUs
    Penguin Random House LLC