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Each 64-page, 3-7/8" x 4-7/8" guide is packed with essential tips, checklists, examples, exercises, questionnaires, and resources, written to address the needs and issues of ex-offenders and workforce development clients.

Best Selling Pocket Guides
The Re-Entry Employment and Life Skills Pocket Guide
Successful re-entry into and advancement within today's world of work requires basic preparation and organization. If you complete each section of this booklet and refer to it frequently, you should be well prepared to make smart re-entry decisions as you effectively navigate today's tough job market and economy. An ideal guide for anyone in transition, especially ex-offenders, military personnel, students, retirees, and women re-entering the workforce after a lengthy absence. The 3.75" x 4.5" trim size makes it the perfect personal reference companion. Carry it with you wherever you go and refer to it frequently. 64 pages.

The Re-Entry Personal Finance Pocket Guide
Primarily designed for ex-offenders re-entering society with few supports, lifelines, and skills, this handy pocket guide is jam-packed with essential tips, checklists, examples, exercises, and recommended resources for becoming more financially savvy. Freedom can be costly if not managed well. In fact, no one is truly free until they get their financial house in order and stay out of debt for good! Not surprisingly, re-entering society poses numerous financial challenges, from paying for housing, food, transportation, and health care to finding a job, establishing credit, and paying off debts. 64 pages.

The Quick Job Finding Pocket Guide
Finding a job in today's recessionary economy is tough even for well educated, skilled, and experienced workers. Indeed, as the economy sheds millions of jobs and unemployment reaches over 10 percent in many communities, many individuals need to find jobs that will support them and their loved ones. While these may not be the greatest jobs in the world, they at least help pay the bills and may come with modest benefits. Best of all, they may lead to some exciting new careers. Designed for anyone seeking employment - from hopeful new graduates and individuals experiencing job loss to those re-entering the job market after a lengthy absence - this 64-page pocket guide is jam-packed with essential job hunting information organized around a 10-step job search process. 64 pages.