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Check out these lively and informative DVD selections from CareerBookstore.com. Click on any one of the following DVD category selections for more information.

Job Search DVDs

Featured DVD
Best Recession-Proof Jobs
Building Self-Esteem DVD
Common Job Interview Mistakes
Common Mistakes People Make...
Complete Job Application DVD
Developing a Career Portfolio
Exploring Your Character
Finding Employment? The First Step...
Getting It Right at the Interview
Getting Organized to Find a Job
Good First Impressions DVD
Google World
Hire Education: 10 Ways To Get...
How Will This Help Me Get a Job?
Human Services Careers DVD
Interview Tips From a Recruiter
Interview to Win Your First Job
It's Not What You Say: Mastering the...
Job Connection DVD Series-Foolproof Ways to Find a Job
Job Search: Busting the MythsNew!
Job-Seeking Skills for Young People
Marketing Yourself for a Second Career...
Portfolio: Showcase Your Talents
Respect Rules
Resumes: A How-To Guide
Secrets to Job Fair Success
Selling Yourself Successfully: The Career Portfolio
Selling Yourself Successfully: The Job Application...
Selling Yourself Successfully: The Job Interview
The Job Seeker: Do You Have What it Takes?
The Job Seeker: Interview Dos and Don'ts
Very Quick Job Search
WORDS, CAMERA, ACTION! How Body Language...
You're Hired! Skills You Need to Get the Job You Want
You're Hired! Job-Winning Interview Strategies
Your Resume: First They Must See You In Writing

Career Exploration DVDs

Featured DVD
Career Assessment: Finding a Career That Fits
Career Pathways Planning
Careers in Criminal Justice
Careers in Fashion
Careers in Hospitality Service & Adventure
Careers in Interior Design
Careers to Consider: The Hospitality Industry
Early Childhood Professions
Easy Being Green
Envision Your Career
Exploring Career Clusters and Paths
FACS Careers
Food Catering & Private Chefs
From Sports to Career
Getting to Know Your Objective
GOAL SETTING! Define & Achieve Your...
Goal Setting: Discovering Your Gifts
Great Careers In 2 Years Or Less: Career Track
Health Science Careers
Internet Careers: Front-End, Back-End...
Landing a Job in the Trades
Nutrition Careers for the 21st Century
Paying Your Way through College
Real People, Cool Careers Volume I
Real People, Cool Careers Volume II
Real People, Cool Careers Volumes I & II
Restaurant Orientation
RIASEC at Work - Match Your Personality to Careers

Employability / Job Rentention DVDs

Featured DVD
An Introduction to the Rules of Work
Barriers to Employment Success
Common Job Interview Mistakes
Communication Essentials: Listening Essentials
Communication Essentials: Speaking Essentials
Communication Essentials: Writing Essentials
Down, But Not Out DVD
Dress and Groom for the Workplace
First Impressions
First Impressions: Winning Over Your Boss...
Getting to Know What an Employer Wants
Head to Toe: Grooming & Dressing for the ...
Job Application: Looking Good on Paper
Job Survival: Keeping & Advancing Your...
Mind Your Manners
My First Job
Putting the Bars Behind You
Secrets: Landing and Keeping a Job
Soft Skills In The Workplace
Success at Work Volume I
Success at Work Volume II
Think b4 u Post: Your Reputation and Privacy...
Who Would You Hire?
Work Skills and Habits for Job Success
Workplace Communication Skills
You're Fired!

Character Education / Life Skills DVDs

Featured DVD
Choosing Tomorrow Volume I
Choosing Tomorrow Volume II
College & Career Ready Students...
Counseling: A Guide for Teachers
Ethics at Work: Doing the Right Thing on the Job
Ex-offender's Guide to Job Fair Success
Got a Job: Great Jobs that Teach New Skills
Living Free
Think b4 u Post: Your Reputation...
WORDS, CAMERA, ACTION! How Body Language...

Ex-Offender/ Re-Entry DVDs

Countdown to Freedom - Men
Countdown to Freedom - Men
Countdown to Freedom - Women
Men's Youth Correction
Women's Youth Correction
Teens Re-Entering Society
Ex-offender's Guide to Job Fair Success
Starting Fresh
Living Free