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Check out these lively and informative DVD selections from CareerBookstore.com. Click on any one of the following DVD category selections for more information.

Job Search DVDs

Best Recession-Proof Jobs

Building Self-Esteem DVD

Common Job Interview Mistakes

Complete Job Application DVD

Developing a Career Portfolio

Ex-offender's Guide to Job Fair Success

Finding Employment? The First Step...

Getting It Right at the Interview

Getting Organized to Find a Job

Google World

Hire Education: 10 Ways To Get...

Interview to Win Your First Job

It's Not What You Say: Mastering the...

Job-Seeking Skills for Young People

LinkedIn for Networking and Job SearchNEW!

Living Free

Marketing Yourself for a Second Career...

Resumes: A How-To Guide

Secrets to Job Fair Success

The Job Seeker: Do You Have What it Takes?

The Job Seeker: Interview Dos and Don'ts

Very Quick Job Search

WORDS, CAMERA, ACTION! How Body Language...

You're Hired! Skills You Need to Get the Job You Want

You're Hired! Job-Winning Interview Strategies

Your Resume: First They Must See You In Writing

Career Exploration DVDs

Career Assessment: Finding a Career That Fits

Career Pathways Planning

Careers in Criminal Justice

Careers in Hospitality Service & Adventure

Careers to Consider: The Hospitality Industry

Careers without CollegeNEW!

Child Development CareersNEW!

Early Childhood Professions

Easy Being Green

Envision Your Career

Exploring Career Clusters and Paths

Fashion Design Careers: Do You Have...

From Sports to Career

Getting to Know Your Objective

GOAL SETTING! Define & Achieve Your...

Goal Setting: Discovering Your Gifts

Great Careers In 2 Years Or Less: Career Track

Green Jobs

Hot Jobs of the Future that Don't Require A College Degree

Health Science Careers

Human Services Careers DVD

In Search of a College Major and Career Direction

Internet Careers: Front-End, Back-End...

Introduction to Career Clusters

Landing a Job in the Trades

Paying Your Way through College

Real People, Cool Careers Volume I

Real People, Cool Careers Volume II

Real People, Cool Careers Volumes I & II

Restaurant Orientation

RIASEC at Work - Match Your Personality to Careers

Employability / Job Retention DVDs

An Introduction to the Rules of Work

Barriers to Employment Success

Common Job Interview Mistakes

Communication Essentials: Listening Essentials

Communication Essentials: Speaking Essentials

Communication Essentials: Writing Essentials

Down, But Not Out DVD

Dress and Groom for the Workplace

First Impressions

First Impressions: Winning Over Your Boss...

Getting to Know What an Employer Wants

Good First Impressions

Head to Toe: Grooming & Dressing for the ...

Job Application: Looking Good on Paper

Job Survival: Keeping & Advancing Your...

Mind Your Manners

My First Job

Putting the Bars Behind You

Respect Rules

Secrets: Landing and Keeping a Job

Soft Skills In The Workplace

Success at Work Volume I

Success at Work Volume II

Think b4 u Post: Your Reputation and Privacy...

When Presentation Counts...

Which Fork Do I Use?

Who Would You Hire?

Workplace Communication Skills

You're Fired!

Character Education / Life Skills DVDs

Can I Make It On My Own?NEW!

College Life: Perspectives from Students...NEW!

Character: Communication Basics

Character: Self-Esteem Basics

Choosing Tomorrow Volume I

Choosing Tomorrow Volume II

Counseling: A Guide for Teachers

Ethics at Work: Doing the Right Thing on the Job

Ex-offender's Guide to Job Fair Success

Got a Job: Great Jobs that Teach New Skills

Help! I'm Stressed!NEW!

Living Free

My Digital Life

Think b4 u Post: Your Reputation...

WORDS, CAMERA, ACTION! How Body Language...