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Going Home: From the Inside: Personal Challenges for Teens Reentering Society DVD

Going Home: From the Inside: Personal Challenges for Teens Reentering Society DVD

Films Media Group
  • Additional Info:: Closed Captioned
  • Date:: 2008
  • ISBN:: 9781421388465
Product Code: 28654DVD


For many inmates at juvenile correctional facilities, looking ahead to freedom brings anxiety and doubt. This program illustrates the challenges that often await young offenders following incarceration and shows teen inmates preparing to face the corporate world, their families, and themselves. Overcoming illiteracy, building marketable work skills, and becoming familiar with employment counseling and job search techniques are some of the subjects explored. The emotional side of leaving prison—including homecomings with elated parents and siblings and the counseling that often accompanies those reunions—is also illustrated in depth. Correlates to all applicable National and State Educational Standards including the NCLB Act. (21 minutes). Follows educational and program recommendations provided by the National Center on Education, Disability and Juvenile Justice.