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Best Job Ever!: Rethink Your Career, Redefine Rich, Revolutionize Your Life

Best Job Ever!: Rethink Your Career, Redefine Rich, Revolutionize Your Life

Wiley Publishing
  • Date:: 2016
  • Author:: Dr. CK Bray
  • ISBN:: 9781119212317
Product Code: 69585


Best Job Ever! is the ultimate guide to creating your dream career and increasing your financial success by providing you with valuable and insightful career information, personal stories and examples of others who have successfully created their Best Job Ever! Written by a nationally recognized expert in career development, this book provides you with a concrete, step-by-step blueprint for revolutionizing your career and revamping your life. You'll find the motivation you need to climb out of your daily ruts as you dig deep to discover your personal motivation, financial needs, and career and life goals. This actionable guide gets you started right away as you explore various avenues for improvement—whether that means re-engaging with the job you have, getting that promotion or making a career change. You'll learn how to overcome career fear, beat job boredom, find and follow your passion while advancing your skill sets and building a career and life plan. The stories will help you decide when to forge ahead with your current career, when to change tracks entirely and how to increase your salary while doing it. If a career change is in the cards, you'll learn how to make the transition with minimal disruption to your finances and emotional well being so you can get quickly get back on track to achieving your dreams.